2010年10月5日 星期二

綦振翔 - Jason In Wonderland / 09/19~10/31

綦振翔 - Jason In Wonderland

在一個天氣晴朗的秋天,Jason坐在蘋果樹下看書。這時,一隻兔子拿著一雙Jordan 一代,邊跑過這裏。「不好了,會遲到!」兔子慌張的說著!「這真是隻奇怪的兔子,我跟去看看怎麼回事。」傑森好奇的跟了過去…
It was a sunny day in the fall. Jason was sitting under the apple tree and reading.
In the meantime, a fat rabbit was carrying a pair of Air Jordan one and was running through here. The rabbit was panic and said "Oh Shit...I'll be late!"
"What a strange rabbit, and I would like to figure out what's going on there." Jason followed with curiosity...
